Every year I come up with another resolution that I stick with for a month or so and then it slowly fades away because I choose something that is either way too general which makes it hard to follow and stick with without making exceptions and excuses, or I just come up with something quickly and I don't actually set a plan to follow through. A little before Christmas I started thinking about what I wanted to work on to make 2014 better, but I couldn't make a decision of exactly what I wanted to work on. There are so many things that I need to work on in my life that I could go on and on with things I should make my resolution, but I wanted to choose something that was going to make a huge difference.
I realized that a lot of the things I was contemplating to put all my efforts in rebuilding and working on all came back to one main thing, my marriage. I thought about making it a goal to repair our finances and get all of my school loans and medical bills paid, which would in turn make our marriage less stressful. I thought about making an effort to keep up with things around the house so that my husband can always (ok, that's extreme. how about a lot of the time?) come home to a clean home. I contemplated making more of an effort to not let things outside our marriage effect us. I also tend to have a bit of a loud mouth in my marriage. I most defiantly have no issues speaking my mind with Todd and of course in a marriage speaking your mind and talking about feelings is great, but there is a good way and a bad way of doing that. I tend to go towards the bad road most of the time and just blurt it out. I need to take time to think about things before I say them and not turn into the incredible hulk every time things don't go well. I am lucky Todd has the complete opposite personality as I do or we probably would be in a world of hurt right now. I can thank my Daddy for my opinionated always have to be right mind, and I can thank my Mama for my strong will. By the way,thanks for that mom & dad:) I guess it could have been worse if I didn't also get my Dad's giving heart and my Mom's forgiving one <3.
SO with all of that being said my official New Year resolution is:
To build a better relationship with Jesus & with my husband. Not because the relationships are failing, but because my marriage and God are THE most important things in my life. I never want to stop learning and growing in my relationship with God. I refuse to fail in my marriage because of things like finances, stupid mistakes, and words you cant take back. Marriage is more than a contract to me, its my life! Lucky for you babe, you are stuck with my till I am old and grey:)
I like this resolution. Who says a resolution has to be something you give up or some kind of torture you decide on the 31st to put yourself through for as many months as you can handle. This year is going to be a blast spending it with the two people I love most, Jesus and my husband. Now who is lucky? This girl right here!!
I hope this year brings my family, friends, and I happiness, hope, and some 2014 babies!!!!!
hello Brooke this is aunt your mom just told me about your blog a couple days ago no I have been reading it. and you're right nobody truly knows how you feel about everything that you've been going through molested experienced it themselves what I've read all of your postings and my heart goes out to you and your husband and I truly truly with all my heart hope that one day God will bless you and Todd what's for filling all your hopes and dreams that helps you with all these different emotions what you're going through all the struggles trying to start a family and all the stress that it's for your marriage what I do I have in my heart and hope that when the time is right you will be blessed is having a baby that's all your own not one that you have to adopt or anything like that but even if you guys do have to adopt I know you will love the baby as if it was your own no matter what I know you will be a very very good mother confused you have a big heart your loving you Carrie and you care about how other peoples Phils just remember I'm not trying to be negative but there's so many babies after is that need a mother anybody can be a carrier and have a baby but it takes a special woman to be a mother and I know that you are that person may God be with you on your journey to motherhood in with your marriage Oh whatever path he Leeds you too.... love aunt Carol