I thought I would do a fun post instead of all the serious ones I tend make.
So here are 30 lovely facts about me!:
1.) Yellow is my favorite color, almost to a fault. Mustard yellow is the best. So, if you want to buy me something yellow i will love you forever and ever.
2.) I went to school for dental assisting & I loved it, but somehow I ended up as a tanning salon manager & I love this even more.
3.) My life long dream is to have a huge family and a yellow ranch(I told you yellow is amaze balls--you are welcome Jen & Walter) with a big wrap around porch on a huge amount of land with all my little Smathers kiddies running around. Oh and a few animals like another doodle, a couple horses, a piggy, & some chickies.
4.) I love root beer.
5.) Jesus is AWESOME, but seriously though, I love my life because of him.
6.)I love chick flicks, even the cheesy lifetime movies. And I would choose comfy pjs, my couch, and a movie over going out on the town any day of the week.
7.) I love country music entirely too much. I never listen to pop, rap or the biggest hits...I kinda don't even know half of the top 40, sorry Seacrest i still love you.
8.) I am crazy about junk food. I literally could live off of chips and cookies and soda. It's a terrible habit that I am sure will catch up with me.
9.) I already have my future kids names picked out and if someone close to me uses my names, ill cut them. Totally kidding, but I will still use the names and I do not care how many of my little E's & S's there are in their kindergarten class.
10.) My husband is my best friend, hands down. He rocks my socks!

11.) I'm a little overly obsessed with my doggies and PROUD of it! Dude, my dogs are the best dogs ever and no one can try and tell me their dogs are cooler than mine, I ain't havin' it!
12.) I've been called a girly-girl and materialistic a time or two, but I disagree...I like nice things and I take care of myself there is a difference.
13.) I love love love vintage anything & thrifting. My whole house is made up of my family heirlooms and antique & thrift store finds. Take me to a antique store and ill stay for hours.
14.) Speaking of, my Todd always, always asks me if I could own my own business like he does, what would it be? Ummmm can I please own my own antique shop/Boutique...a girl can dream!
15.) I am constantly told I have an old soul and I take that as a compliment.
16.) I am absolutely not shy and I have no problem carrying on conversation with a complete stranger, but don't you dare make me speak or do anything in front of a group of people because I will undoubtedly flake on you or vomit. Trust me, just don't do it. I was the kid in class who came down with the flu on presentation day and on my presentation make up day, or the kid who all the sudden had a coughing spell on my turn to read out loud. Yep, that's me.
17.) I don't like showing off my goods, which is obviously a good thing, but try shopping in the juniors section and find something that doesn't show Boobs, butt, or belly. GOOD LUCK TO YA!
18.) I am extremely small(5'7 and 110 lbs. to be exact), you don't have to tell me how skinny I am---I totally own a mirror. Just how you don't like to be called chunky or fat, I don't want to be told i am too skinny or I look sick because I'm so thin. I eat, A LOT. So please spare me the "eat a cheeseburger jokes"---I eat them quite often. I just have a fast metabolism, thanks Daddio.
19.) I love a good book. Really inappropriate chick books are my favorites. I'm so lame. I will read just about anything if it is recommended by someone I trust though, so please recommend peeps.
20.) I have major anxiety when people drink alcohol.. I full out panic. No idea why because i used to hang with the best of them. In high school I was terrible and partied way too much for a high school student, let alone an adult. I am not proud of it at all so this is the last time you'll hear me bring that up. Blah.
21.) I've been through a lot more than people even know because I'm very secretive in certain aspects of my life. There are certain things I haven't even shared with Todd because I am just not ready to. One day I would like to think i'll get the courage up to talk it out.
22.) I am a shopping freak, but Todd is worse...He will say I am though.
23.) I get stressed and worry easily. Todd is the complete opposite and is very "chill" about everything, which is one of my favorite qualities of his. He levels me out, thank goodness for that!
24.) Dirty dancing & Pretty woman are my all time favorite movies thanks to my Mama! Julia Roberts is drop dead gorgeous!
25.) I have never been out of the country before, but I want to travel so badly!
26.) I love spaghetti. Only if my Mama or I make it though.
27.) Crafting can be fun & I am pretty good at it for the most part, but usually I get about half way in to a project and get bored or tired and I have to push to make it to the finish line.
28.) Speaking of finish lines, I'm extremely out of shape. I can't tell you the last time I worked out. I always say I am going to start and it never ever happens. I would like to try yoga this year though so I guess we can add that one to my bucket list.
29.) 99.9% of my friends have a couple kids already or are working on their seconds. Slow down people i'm trying to catch up!
30.) Fall is my favorite time of the year without a doubt!
Now you know some of my deepest darkest secrets and some random & strange things about me. I am sure it will change your life forever.